TTIOT...well it might be but trying to track it down via the mainstream media seems to be getting harder and harder. Even Mulder and Scully would be struggling with this one although there is at least a plethora of conspiracy theories as a consolation prize.
We are forced to get more radical in our choices if we want to have a fuller picture. Radical...not as in, ‘let’s stuff my underpants full of semtex’ radical (who could ever have envisaged that getting your wedding tackle blown off could be turned into a negative?) but radical as in ‘can you please tell me what’s really going on?’ So in fact not radical at all.
We are forced to get more radical in our choices if we want to have a fuller picture. Radical...not as in, ‘let’s stuff my underpants full of semtex’ radical (who could ever have envisaged that getting your wedding tackle blown off could be turned into a negative?) but radical as in ‘can you please tell me what’s really going on?’ So in fact not radical at all.
Well as usual the truth ain't too pretty but what is sometimes bizarre is having to go through a strange series of hoops to find it. So, if we want to discover what's really happening it appears we have to go to RT (the 'Putin Dodgy Propaganda' tool). It’s a rum do when you have to rely on a Russian TV channel to find out what is actually going on in Wall St.
So Max Kaiser's financial war reports and Capital Account whilst being hardly unbiased do seem to occasionally churn out more truths than most of the other media outlets put together. This may not come as a great surpise to those in the know as the U.S. media has been consolidated down from 50 companies in 1983 to now only 6. The unplatable truth is that there is sometimes nearly as much media manipulation being served up in Democracies as there is in Totalitarian states. Noam Chomsky argues its more.
Its worth watching this Capital Account from April to understand what happened at MF Global. A one off you say....err no... try this for size. Makes you want to watch South Park. and then think long and hard about what comes next. OUCH! - Wake up or get wiped out people.
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